“I got badly bullied when I was a new student in elementary school, starting in kindergarten
I was five and lasting until I was nine years old. One girl told me every day during recess,
‘You’re so skinny that I can see right through you!’ I was a shy child and did not know how
handle this bullying, especially the name-calling. I was sad, and I believed that there was
something very wrong with me.”
– Janet Ruth Heller.
“For years I have been passionate about exercise and fitness, but I
uncomfortable talking about it. I have a tall, slender build and I was nervous about being
judged. A senior physician that was supervising me once commented under his breath
that I had an eating disorder. I am not sure if he meant for me to hear it, but I did, and
– Dr. Nina Watson
“After five years of dating, my boyfriend told me he did not want to date me anymore because
was fat. I was so hurt, and for the next ten years, I was on a weight loss roller coaster
and a
downward spiral of self-body shaming. In 2015, I decided to stop dealing with F.A.T. (Fear,
Attitude and Toxic people). With that decision, I lost over 80 pounds and wrote a book about
– Leticia A. Mathis
“‘Look! It’s a monkey!’ I was in middle school at the time. My dark hair and features were
pointed out by two boys in class.”
– Steph, founder of Mythical Enterprises
If a person hasn’t been brought up in an environment which nourishes one’s self esteem,
comments and remarks during the teenage and early 20s really takes a toll. It latches on to
Everywhere you look, someone smiles or giggles in public, and you tend to become very self
conscious. This can cause you to withdraw more from people, or become reticent in general.
— Karthik, software developer
“After years of being shamed for the way I look, it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind
fat is bad, and that takes so much effort to erase.”
– Anonymus
"If you lose weight, someone will love you" - nan #TheySaid
Haha my boyfriend loves me
who I am and I'm still the same weight."
– Katy